M&A Advisory

Expert Insights For Intelligent Decision-Making

没有两笔交易是相同的,每笔交易都有独特的挑战、风险和机遇. Your team of M&顾问将在交易生命周期的每个阶段为您提供指导和支持,从制定公司战略到执行尽职调查,再到领导整合工作.

Whether you are deploying your newest fund, divesting a business unit, contemplating an exit, acquiring a platform company, or testing the waters for your first transaction, Redpath and Company will help you make timely, informed business decisions. 您将收到全面的报告和见解,这将在整个交易过程中发挥作用, 让你有能力做出明智的决定并取得成功.

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Value Through the Transaction Lifecycle

ma lifecycle graphic


明确的战略对于指导私人股本至关重要, corporations, 和商业领袖们通过复杂的M&A process—maximizing value creation, making smart investment decisions, and identifying new growth opportunities. 它为导航事务生命周期的每个阶段提供了路线图, 从最初的尽职调查到交易完成后的整合, 同时最小化风险,最大化利益相关者的回报.

Growth Strategy (Buy vs. Build)

Exit Planning & Sell-Side Preparation

LOI Support

Quick-Hit/Current State Assessments

Financial Analysis

Transaction Readiness & Preparation

Transaction Management

Diligence & Support

以一丝不苟的勤奋和战略眼光为成交后的成功奠定坚实的基础. With a team of transaction experts on your side, 你可以增加成功完成交易的可能性, maintain alignment in your M&制定战略,实现预尽职调查中确定的目标和成果.

Quality of Earnings

Tax Diligence & Structuring

Commercial Diligence

Operational Diligence

I.T. Diligence

Financial Modeling

Closing Advisory


Achieve seamless integration, accelerated growth, 通过正确的后紧密整合战略实现可持续的价值创造. 从文化融合到留住顶尖人才,再到实现协同效应, 您的咨询团队提供解决方案,以最大限度地发挥您的交易潜力. With clear communication, proactive risk management, and a focus on driving results, 你的第一个100天策略为长期的成功奠定了基础, 增强投资者信心和参与度,最终推动组织绩效最大化.

Integration Strategy & Planning

Operating & Organizational Modeling

Synergy & Financial Planning

Integration Management

Are you selling a business or buying a business?

  • Buying a Business
  • Selling a Business

Buying a Business

交易策略必须与彻底的尽职调查相联系,以成功完成交易并实现新资产的全部价值. 我们的跨部门架构为私募股权和其他买家提供全面的交易支持, 帮助您降低风险并识别机会. 


Selling a Business

赌注很高,你应该得到专家的支持. 我们可以帮助您以全面的勤奋讲述您的战略故事,吸引买家. 从继任计划到剥离,我们可以帮助您做好卖方准备. 


Recent Merger & Acquisition Insights

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Your M&A Leadership Team


Thought Leadership


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